About Us

Adhi Penthecosthe Sathya Sabhai

The continuing church of the first century christian church

Our church has been established as the continuing church of the first century Christian church for these last days, for the glorious works of the LORD. The name of our Church is aptly named by GOD as “Adhi Penthecosthe Sathya Sabha” in Tamil known as “Beginning Pentecostal Truth Church” in English. The spiritual church or the Christian church, or the Pentecostal church of the LORD was born openly on the day of Pentecost. Until that day, the church of the LORD remained hidden like a child, which remains in the womb of its mother. The spiritual church of the LORD was born on the day of Pentecost. The first century Christian church was born on the day of Pentecost. Our church is the continuing Christian church of the first century. It is the LORD’S Church. In HIS church, the LORD meets sinners, saves them, sanctifies them and anoints them with HIS HOLY SPIRIT. The LORD heals also the sick and casts out evil spirits or devils from people who believe in the LORD. The LORD is performing miraculous and wondrous works in HIS church through HIS ministers. The true believers of this church live by faith. They know, believe and are convinced that they are justified and saved by the faith in our LORD JESUS CHRIST and because of this faith they are never used to taking any medicine for their diseases, infirmities etc. They live according to Hebrews 10:38. The glorious signs of this glorious church are miracles and gifts of divine healing.

In HIS church, the LORD GOD, JESUS CHRIST works through HIS ministers, called and separated for HIS ministry. Through them the LORD GOD works for the perfecting of the saints, for the edifying of the body of CHRIST, for the full spiritual growing of the saints, for the spreading of HIS Gospel and for the church to grow in godliness.

We therefore welcome you to attend this glorious church and acquire all the worldly and heavenly blessings abundantly and to attain the eternal bliss in heaven, the kingdom of GOD.


Experience God's Presence

Sadhu G Devanesan (Aiya)

Ambassador Of Christ

Founder of the Adhi Penthecosthe Sathya Sabhai (Beginning Pentecostal Truth Church), Malavilai

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Sadhu c Selvaraj (Appa)

Our Beloved Spiritual Father

Our beloved Spiritual Father who led the LORD’s Church for nearly 35 years

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Sadhu Thomas M. Kurian (Appa)

Our Beloved Spiritual Father

Sadhu Thomas M. Kurian (Appa) was born in Thiruvattar, Kulasekharam...

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Currently the servant of the Lord is leading the church

Church Services


Baptism Meeting

Baptism is the glorious experience of cleansing for the saved people, by the total immersion into water in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.

General Meeting

To continue steadfastly in the Apostle's doctrine, to grow in Fellowship, and to recieve spiritual blessings and to grow in faith, hope, holy and love.

Revival Prayer Meeting

To grow in prayer experiences by recieving the lost spiritual blessing and to lead a spiritual life of victory.

Lord's Supper Meeting

The Lord's Supper or Holy Communion is most solemnly and awesomely celebrated in remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ's horrible death on the cross.

Fasting Prayer Meeting

To spend in continuous prayer watchfully, wakefully, refraining from food concentrating and meditating constantly on spiritual aspirations.

Full Night Prayer Meeting

Prayers for the the fullfilment of God's promises assembling together with one accord. Prayer not to get traped into temptation.


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